Thursday, July 22, 2010

Early History of the SAS

They have been there... always. They have protected man kind since... forever. They have stood by us... in harmony. We have counted on them since the beggining of time. Known to their fellow colleages as Keeckyslavalians. Known to us as Sheep. To the normal human being they are paddock dwelling fluffy things but to the Government they are know as the SAS (Secret Agent Sheep).

The SAS was founded by Didier Ratsiraka (president of Madagascar 1975-1993) in 1977, 2 years after being elected. He found he couldn't rely on people to get the job done so he called on the America president at the time, Jimmy Carter. President Carter informed him of the use of animals in this area but he also informed him that all the animals were being used, other than sheep. President Didier pondered this for 2 years until deciding to adopt the idea and use the sheep. He became like a father to all the sheep and found out they had be working in a partnership with Jean-François Reubell (ruler of France 1795-1799) until he betrayed them. Didier was suprised by this, he then realised their potential and began training them. The sheep were perfect students and learnt quickly. They were all given gadets and weapons. No one knew about the secret operation other than Didier and President Carter.  It was the perfect operation. They solved many puzzles and fought many battles for Didier until 1993, when he was not elected into his rightful place as president of Madagascar and was so ashamed he refused the sheep's help. The sheep quickly became depressed and began to wonder aimlessly around paddocks. The only thing they were good at was being turned into a woolly jumper, but all was not lost.